Bankroll management may not be the juiciest topic in soccer betting, but does require full attention. After all, it is the money that helps you stay in the betting game sustainably; thus, you should master the art of managing the bankroll before plunging into the betting game completely. Let’s understand how you can protect funds with sound bankroll management strategies.
What is bankroll management in soccer betting?
Bankroll is the money you keep aside for soccer betting. The aim of any bettor is to grow it by securing wins in bets, while avoiding pumping new money into it. However, this is an ideal scenario. Several factors come into the way of bankroll management and may make it a tough process. Thus, the most effective tool is the discipline that one follows in managing the bankroll.
The bankroll management done with a view to protect funds takes a lot of calculation and number-crunching. Bettors need to identify a strategy that works for them, avoid the temptation of chasing the losses and use discretion in deciding how much money to assign to a bet for achieving a sound bankroll management. It can be done by following some of the proven strategies that have usually given good results, and so, are popular among the regular, professional soccer punters. Let’s take a look at these strategies.
Strategies of bankroll management that help protect funds
- Confidence model
Usually, the bettors are advised to assign not more than 2.5% of the total bankroll to any bet. The bettors have to practice caution if their assigning money is going off the limits. However, playing too safe can also result in the loss of money-making opportunities. So, the confidence model is chosen to make the best of the opportunities available.
The confidence model requires in-depth study of the betting record. Punters need to find which types of bets and which matches have yielded them the win in bet the greatest number of times. So, when those conditions or match arrive again, the punters can exhibit confidence and increase the bet size by two to three units. In other words, they can double or triple the amount they usually invest in a bet when a situation which they are quite confident of arrives. The punters need to assess the consistency in number of wins in confident bets to decide about the increase in investment.
This strategy is quite useful when the punters have chosen to go with moneyline underdogs or have constructed a parlay bet.
Flat betting model
This strategy requires the punters to assign a fixed amount to all the bets they pick up. Usually, it is one unit and the punters assign one unit to each bet. They don’t consider their confidence level or the recent betting record while picking the unit size.
In this model, the bettors ignore the vig and keep the betting amount constant. Thus, in a typical -110 bet, the bettors end up spending 1.0 unit of bet to win 0.91 return. And in case of backing +250 side, the risk of 1.0 unit fetches the bettor a return of 2.5 units.
This strategy works great when the number of wins are high. The punters get additional money flowing into the bankroll and the break-even point is met sooner than expected.
However, flat betting model does not mean you need to spend 1.0 unit value always. A little research is required to find how you are faring in the betting process. Depending upon the percentage of wins or losses achieved, the punters can choose to increase or decrease the bet size and choose new unit.
Percentage model strategy
It is quite similar to flat betting strategy. The only difference is that a fixed percentage is invested in the bets. For instance, if the bankroll is $100, and the punter has decided to put 2% of the bankroll in each bet, then the bet amount is $2 for the first bet. The ensuing amount varies depending upon the result of the bet made. If the punter has won the bet and got, for instance, $4 in return, the bankroll for the next bet becomes $104. So, the unit size increases from $2 to $2.08 for the next bet.
This strategy yields fascinating results when the luck is in the punter’s favor. The bettors can take advantage of winning streak and get more returns from the increased bet size, which proves quite beneficial for the bankroll health.
What to avoid for a steady bankroll?
While picking one or more of the strategies, one has to be aware of the don’ts as well. The bankroll management requires you to track results with a critical lens and be very objective about it. Bettors need to avoid certain things to protect the funds, such as:
- Addiction to betting: You must realize you are going awry when you compulsively bet on every match that comes your way. It is certainly can be a big blow to the bankroll, and requires immediate stopping. You must seek help and follow responsible gambling rules to avoid getting trapped into addiction. If not controlled, the punter can become bankrupt much faster and be guilty of taking money off the other priorities like education fee, medical bill etc.
- Avoid chasing losses: The bettors look for the ways to come out of losses as fast as possible. So, they may invest double the amount they lose. It is a classic case of bad bankroll management. The players should not change the strategy and should take a break from betting instead of investing more, if they come across a losing streak.
To conclude,
Betting requires sound bankroll management to present itself as a lucrative activity. The players should improve their confidence level with experience and practice so that their bankroll keeps swelling up with wins. While picking the profitable bets, they can take help of predictions available at and have more winning instances in their record. By evaluating and analyzing the record and with the strategies mentioned, the investment decisions which help achieve sustainability can be made. That is how one can protect the betting funds and grow it too!